


This is the oldest writing system in the world and predates Ancient Sumerian writing

早於古蘇美爾文字 翻譯世界上最古老的書寫系統


The Danube Valley Civilization script is the oldest writing in the world and predates the Sumerian Writings in Mesopotamia and the Dispilo Tablet.

多瑙河谷文明的文字是世界上最古老的書寫系統,甚至要先於美索不達米亞的蘇美爾文與迪斯庇里歐文字 翻譯社


The Vinca Symbols (Source: Wikipedia)



While the Danube Valle civilization isn’t as famous as other ancient cultures around the globe 翻譯公司 is it one of the oldest civilization to exist in Europe, developing from around 5 翻譯公司500 and 3,500 BC in an area known today as the Balkans, a vast area of land that stretches from Northern Greece to Slovakia (South to North) 翻譯公司 and Croatia to Romania (West to East).

儘管多瑙河谷文明並不如其它古文明一樣知名,但它卻是歐洲最古老 翻譯文明之一,其興盛於公元前5500-3500年的今巴爾幹地區,這個遼闊的區域從北部 翻譯希臘一路延伸到斯諾伐克(南向北),並從克羅地亞連接到羅馬尼亞(西向東)。


The Danube civilization was one of the most influential and important cultures in south-eastern Europe, being among the first civilizations to develop copper tools, advanced architecture, including two-story houses, design and production of furniture, and most importantly a writing system. All of this occurred while most parts of Europe were in the Stone Age 翻譯公司 and advanced development was nowhere to be seen. This ancient civilization from the Balkans developed unprecedented skills like weaving, leather processing, clothes manufacturing and they invented the wheel.

多瑙河谷文明是東南歐最具影響力也最重要的其中一個文明,這個文明率先發明出了冶銅技術、包括兩層樓房屋 翻譯先進建築、家具的設計與製作以及最重要的書寫系統。上述這一些都是發生在歐洲大部份地區都還是石器時代的時候,那時在其它地方根本見不著如此發達 翻譯文化。來自巴爾幹半島的這個古老文明發明出了各種史無前例的技術,例如編織、皮革加工、製衣甚至是車輪。


However, the most prominent feature of the Danube Valley Civilization is without a doubt, the controversial written language they developed. Even though many archeologists believe the Danube Valley script isn’t a written language but a collection of geometric shapes, others believe that this is one of the first writings systems to ever appear on Earth. In fact 翻譯公司 if this theory is proven to be accurate 翻譯公司 it would mean that it is the OLDEST written language ever found on Earth, predating the well-known Sumerian Writings in Mesopotamia and the Dispilo Tablet which according to researchers dates back to 5360 BC.

然而,多瑙河谷文明最引人矚目的地方無疑就是那富有爭議的書面語言。雖然許多考古學家相信多瑙河谷文字並非是一種書面語言,而只是幾何形狀 翻譯集合,但其他一些人卻認為這可能是地球最早 翻譯書寫系統之一 翻譯社事實上,倘若這個理論被證明為真,這就意味著它會是世界上最古老的書面語言,甚至要早於美索不達米亞的蘇美爾文字,以及據稱可以追溯到公元前5360年 翻譯迪斯庇里歐文字。


According to Harald Haarmann, a German linguistic and cultural scientist, says the Danube script predates the Sumerian writings and should be considered as the oldest writing in the world. The inscriptions in tablets found from the Danube Valley Civilization date back to at least 5,500 BC, and the mysterious symbols that make up the written language are yet to be deciphered.

根據德國語言學家兼文化學家哈拉爾德・哈爾曼所說,多瑙河文字的確要早於蘇美爾文字,它應該被視為是世界上最古老的文字 翻譯社目前發現的多瑙河谷文明泥板至少都可以追溯到公元前5500年,至今構成這種書面語言的神秘符號仍尚未破譯 翻譯社


The symbols seen on numerous tablets from the Danube civilization are also called the Vinca symbols and are found across multiple archeological sites across the Danube Valley areas. The symbols have been found to be recorded on pottery 翻譯公司 figurines 翻譯公司 spindles and other clay artifacts.

來自多瑙文明的許多泥板符號又被稱為溫查符號,它們在遍佈多瑙河谷 翻譯各個考古遺址中皆有發現 翻譯社這些符號已經被發現有刻寫在陶器、小雕像、紡錘以及黏土文物上。


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The fact that the writing system developed by the Danube Valley Civilization is the oldest in the world is definitely a history changer



A History Changer



The fact that the writing system developed by the Danube Valley Civilization is the oldest in the world is definitely a history changer. Not only is there evidence to support this theory present on clay tablets, but researchers have found thousands of artifacts with the Danube Valley Script on countless figurines. To date, researchers have found approximately 700 different characters in the Danube Valley Script, a number similar to the characters used in Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs.

多瑙河谷文明的書寫系統是世上最早的這一事實,絕對足以改寫歷史 翻譯社不僅有證據能夠支持這一呈現在黏土泥板上 翻譯理論,而且研究人員已經發現了數千件相關文物,包括身上寫有多瑙河谷文字的小雕像。研究人員至今大概發現了700種不同的多瑙河谷字符,與古埃及象形文字 翻譯字符相似。


The fact that mainstream archeologists suggest these symbols are not a writing system but mere decorations comes from the same inability to explain other findings across the globe. It seems that every time, something that challenges mainstream views on history and development of the human race is found, mainstream scholars close their eyes and decide to ignore it.

主流考古學家宣稱這些符號不是書寫系統,反而只不過是種裝飾,正是這種態度決定了他們無法解釋在全球各地發現的種種結果。每一次只要出現了挑戰主流歷史觀與人類發展史觀 翻譯發現,這些主流學者就會選擇閉上眼睛,裝聾作啞。


However 翻譯公司 there are scholars who also suggest that the Danube Valley Civilization actually copied the symbols and writing system of Ancient Mesopotamia 翻譯公司 claims that are absurd when you realize that some clay tablets from the Danube Valley Civilization are older than many clay tablets from ancient Mesopotamia.

然而,也有學者主張多瑙河谷文明實際上是承襲了古美索不達米亞的符號和書寫系統,但當你知道多瑙河谷文明的泥板要比來自美索不達米亞 翻譯更加古老時,這種觀點便不攻自破。


If anything, this incredible ancient civilization surely deserves a more appropriate study and scientific approach, one which could teach us a thing or two about ancient civilizations on Earth. Haarmann’s proposal deserves a better look at what could prove to be one of the most important and controversial ancient civilizations on Earth.

無論如何,這個令人難以置信的古老文明實在值得被更加適當且科學的研究,它可以教導我們很多關於地球古文明 翻譯事情。哈爾曼的主張應該被認真以待,因為這可能能夠證明地球上的其中一個最重要且最具爭議 翻譯古文明的存在。



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